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(RESOLVED) "foreach: No Match" error when linking grib data

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
I am following this tutorial
In ungrib section step-5; I am trying to link the GRIB data making use of the link_grib.csh
and using the command, ./link_grib.csh Directory/DATA/JAN00/fn1_2000012

But I am getting an error:

foreach: No match

Would you please help me with that?

Thanks in advance
I've never seen this problem with this particular script before, but upon searching, I found this post from another forum that may be helpful:
It may be that there are no matching GRIB files in "Directory/DATA/JAN00/fn1_2000012". From the same directory where the link_grib.csh script is being run, can you try the following?
ls -l Directory/DATA/JAN00/fn1_2000012*
There are two changes that I think may resolve the issue:

(1) In the link_grib.csh command, you'll need to substitute "Directory" with the actual path to the DATA/JAN00 directory with the FNL GRIB data on your system.
(2) I think the name of your FNL GRIB files may be incorrect: the files are likely named "fnl", with a lower-case L rather than the number 1.