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(RESOLVED) geogrid error: unable to open index file for static data path

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New member
Hi.....I've been trying to run the geogrid.exe for sometimes now, but wouldn't access the index file.

Parsed 28 entries in GEOGRID.TBL
Processing domain 1 of 2
ERROR: Could not open /Build_WRF/WPS_GEOG/topo_gmted2010_5m/index

Could you please help me with it.....Attached here is the geogrid.log and the namelist.wps.



  • geogrid.log
    4.5 KB · Views: 69
  • namelist.wps
    1.3 KB · Views: 78
Can you issue this command in your /Build_WRF/WPS_GEOG/ directory:
ls -ls >& geog.txt
and send that geog.txt file? Thanks!
It's worth noting that the path to the static, geographical datasets that is given in the "geog_data_path" namelist option should be the absolute path to the data. Is it the case that the "/Build_WRF/WPS_GEOG/" directory is not actually at the root of the filesystem, but is actually a subdirectory of, e.g., your home directory?
@mgduda, I agree with you thats its in the subdirectory under Home, but i don't think that should affect it. I tried to change the path but similar issue remains. Thanks
I just noticed in the error message that geogrid is looking for an index file in the topo_gmted2010_5m directory. In the table on the geographical download page ( it's mentioned that the download for the highest resolution data only contains the topo_gmted2010_30s dataset. In order to get the topo_gmted2010_5m dataset, you'd need to download the lowest resolution data.

Alternatively, using
geog_data_res = 'default',
in your namelist.wps file should instruct geogrid to look for the topo_gmted2010_30s dataset, which you already have.
Yeah, you are right.. Actually, it was in the process of trying to bypass the error message with the topo_gmted2010_30s that i instead tried the 5m, perhaps it had work. my present namelist.wps reads

geog_data_res = 'default','default',