It shouldn't matter which shell you are using when you run the ./link_grib.csh script. While inside the WPS/ directory, you will run the script using the path to the directory that holds the input data, and then use the prefix of the data files, themselves. For example, if you store your data files inside a directory called "gfs_files," and the data files were named "data_file.1, data_file.2, data_file.3," etc., then you would use this command
./link_grib.csh path_to_files/gfs_files/data_file
Notice there is no “.” after this script. The script takes into account the fact that you are linking the files ‘here’ and it should bring over all the files beginning with the prefix ‘data_file.’
Keep in mind that if you have anything else in the directory with that prefix (e.g., data_file.tar), it can cause problems, and could give this error. Check that you’re issuing the correct command, that you don’t have any other file in there that may be causing problems, and also check that the files are complete (no problem downloading the full file). You can issue:
ls -ls path_to_files/my_directory/data_file*
to see the size of the files. If you are still having problems:
1) let me know the exact command you are issuing
2) Issue
ls -ls path_you_are_using_for_link_grib.csh_script/input_files* >& log.input_files
3) upload the log.input_files (from step 2), namelist.wps, and ungrib.log files