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(RESOLVED) metgrid.log INFORM statements

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hi all,

I am running metgrid.exe on my nested domains. I am using NARR data se. metgrid.exe does not give any error however when I look at the log I see the following lines:
2018-07-11 20:40:59.213 --- INFORM: GHT at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.213 --- INFORM: PSFC at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.213 --- INFORM: RH at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.213 --- INFORM: VV at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.213 --- INFORM: UU at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.213 --- INFORM: TT at level 200100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.278 --- Creating derived fields.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.278 --- INFORM: Going to create the field ST
2018-07-11 20:40:59.281 --- INFORM: ST at level 10.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.281 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST010035 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 35.000000 of ST.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.281 --- INFORM: ST at level 100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.281 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST100255 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 255.000000 of ST.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.282 --- INFORM: ST at level 10.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.282 --- INFORM: ST at level 200.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.282 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST000007 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 7.000000 of ST.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.282 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST007028 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 28.000000 of ST.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.282 --- INFORM: ST at level 100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.282 --- INFORM: Couldn't find ST100255 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 255.000000 of ST.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.282 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SM
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: SM at level 10.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.                                                                                                                 
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM010035 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 35.000000 of SM.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: SM at level 100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM100255 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 255.000000 of SM.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: SM at level 10.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: SM at level 200.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM000007 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 7.000000 of SM.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM007028 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 28.000000 of SM.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: SM at level 100.000000 already exists; leaving it alone.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SM100255 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 255.000000 of SM.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SW
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW000010 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 1.000000 of SW.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW010040 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 2.000000 of SW.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW040100 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 3.000000 of SW.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW100200 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 4.000000 of SW.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW000010 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 1.000000 of SW.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SW010200 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 2.000000 of SW.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.286 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SOIL_LAYERS
2018-07-11 20:40:59.288 --- INFORM: Going to create the field SOILM
2018-07-11 20:40:59.288 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM000 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 0.000000 of SOILM.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.288 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM005 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 5.000000 of SOILM.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.288 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM020 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 20.000000 of SOILM.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.288 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM040 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 40.000000 of SOILM.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.288 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM160 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 160.000000 of SOILM.
2018-07-11 20:40:59.288 --- INFORM: Couldn't find SOILM300 at level 200100.000000 to fill level 300.000000 of SOILM.

Why do I get these information? Am I missing some data?

"INFORM" messages typically are not worrisome. These are the result of code loops that are trying to determine which levels or layers exist for this data type. Did metgrid run to completion? If it completed successfully, take a look at your met_em* files just to make sure everything looks okay. You should see upper air data (3d) and surface data (2d), which should include 4 layers each for soil temperature and soil moisture. If all looks fine, then you should be okay to move forward to run real and wrf.