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(RESOLVED) Number of categories for BEP

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member

I'm trying to run WRF-BEP and I have some questions. I used landuse_30s data, the index in this folder tell me they are USGS-24 categories data. But there are 33 categories in BEP. Does it work if I modify num_land_cat without download some other dataset? Can it be identified automatically by WRF?Or maybe I need to download some new data which classify into 33 class form USGS?

Thanks for your help. :)

It is possible to simply use the standard USGS data, which does only have 24 categories. If you do this, then there will only be 1 urban field (High Density Residential). If this is the case, you will not need to change num_land_cat to 33 in the namelist.input file. It is optional to download additional urban fields, and then those would need to be remapped in the URBPARM.TBL. In this case, you would need to change num_land_cat = 33. If you choose to do this, you can follow the guidelines on this page:

The document you referenced also gives some guidance for remapping in the URBPARM.TBL.
Many thanks for reply! You mean that I could run WRBF-BEP with 24 categories USGS landuse data, right?
And I have URBPARM.TBL with 3 urban catagories. So if I want to run WRF-BEP with num_land_cat=33, I have to download additional data, do I understand correctly?
Sincerely thanks again. :)