Using UPP for creating grib1 data from wrfout files to use in ungrib
Use UPP to process the wrfout* output from your model run to get grib1 files with required fields. Fields are contained within the new wrf_cntrl.parm file.
The new wrf_cntrl.parm can be downloaded from the UPP FAQs page (last FAQ):
Run UPP for grib1 output as normal for grib1 format (*Use new wrf_cntrl.parm file)
wrf_cntrl.parm: outputs 3 different “grids” or files for each forecast hour: ¬
WRFTWO* -- 2-d fields, soil, etc
WRFPRS* -- Pressure level fields
WRFNAT* -- Native model level fields
Email the UPP Help Desk for questions/problems running UPP:
More information on UPP can be found at:
WPS – ungrib
Run the UPP grib1 output files through ungrib use as input for the new WRF run. Requires running ungrib twice with two different Vtables and two prefixes for the ungrib/metgrid. First for WRFTWO* and second for WRFPRS*
>> ln -sf ungrib/Variable_Tables/Vtable.ARW.UPP Vtable
>> ./link_grib.csh /path-to-upp-output/WRFTWO* .
Edit the &ungrib section of the namelist.wps to prefix ‘TWO’
out_format = 'WPS',
prefix = 'TWO',
>> ./ungrib.exe
>> rm Vtable GRIB*
>> ln -sf ungrib/Variable_Tables/Vtable.ARWp.UPP Vtable
>> ./link_grib.csh /path-to-upp-output/WRFPRS* .
Edit the &ungrib section of the namelist.wps to prefix ‘PRS’
out_format = 'WPS',
prefix = 'PRS',
>> ./ungrib.exe
WPS – metrid
Run metgrid of the two sets of ungribbed data TWO* and PRS*
Edit &metgrid section of namelist.wps to include the two prefixes
fg_name = 'TWO','PRS'
io_form_metgrid = 2,
>> ./metgrid.exe