New member
I am trying to change the land use of some specific grid cells in the shoreline of my domain. I do this by changing the variable 'LANDMASK' and 'LU_INDEX' in either the "geo_em.d0*.nc" file or the "" files. From previous topics, I realized that I do not need to modify the 'LANDUSEF' variable since it is used to derive the 'LU_INDEX'.
Because of the domain grid resolution (3km*3km), a grid cell may contain both land and water. However, it should be assigned as either land or water in the input files. My question is, is there a threshold of land percent in every grid cell to define that cell as entirely land or water? For example, if 25% of a grid cell is land and 75% water, would WRF consider this grid cell as land or water? I understand that this may not be the procedure that the model takes to assess a grid cell's land use. If so, I would appreciate it if you introduce a document that may describe this procedure.
Thank you very much,
Maryam Golbazi
I am trying to change the land use of some specific grid cells in the shoreline of my domain. I do this by changing the variable 'LANDMASK' and 'LU_INDEX' in either the "geo_em.d0*.nc" file or the "" files. From previous topics, I realized that I do not need to modify the 'LANDUSEF' variable since it is used to derive the 'LU_INDEX'.
Because of the domain grid resolution (3km*3km), a grid cell may contain both land and water. However, it should be assigned as either land or water in the input files. My question is, is there a threshold of land percent in every grid cell to define that cell as entirely land or water? For example, if 25% of a grid cell is land and 75% water, would WRF consider this grid cell as land or water? I understand that this may not be the procedure that the model takes to assess a grid cell's land use. If so, I would appreciate it if you introduce a document that may describe this procedure.
Thank you very much,
Maryam Golbazi