Hi, I am trying to extract the roof temperature from the model, running with the BEP urban scheme (sf_urban_physics=2).
I have output via runtime modification to the registry outputs as follows (following names in Registry.EM_COMMON):
TR_URB: Urban roof skin temperature.
TRL_URB: Roof layer temperature.
TRB_URB4D: Array that carries roof temperatures in all urban layers that are then reordered to tr1D before being passed to BEP1D (in module_sf_bep.F).
However, when I compare two runs with very different roof albedo across all urban categories (0.2 and 0.7), there is no change in the output arrays listed between the two simulations - the roof temperatures seem to remain constant...? There are differences in the 2 m air temperature (T2), and skin temperature (TSK) on the order of a degreeC, so the urban scheme appears to be active.
Does anyone know why this may be? Any advice or suggestions appreciated. I'm running WRFv3.6.1 with 4 nested domains over an urban area of the UK.
I attach my namelist and runtime mod files for info: View attachment namelist.input View attachment runtime_io_mod_d04.txt
(note that runtime_io_mod_d01.txt, d02, and d03 are all empty files).
I have output via runtime modification to the registry outputs as follows (following names in Registry.EM_COMMON):
TR_URB: Urban roof skin temperature.
TRL_URB: Roof layer temperature.
TRB_URB4D: Array that carries roof temperatures in all urban layers that are then reordered to tr1D before being passed to BEP1D (in module_sf_bep.F).
However, when I compare two runs with very different roof albedo across all urban categories (0.2 and 0.7), there is no change in the output arrays listed between the two simulations - the roof temperatures seem to remain constant...? There are differences in the 2 m air temperature (T2), and skin temperature (TSK) on the order of a degreeC, so the urban scheme appears to be active.
Does anyone know why this may be? Any advice or suggestions appreciated. I'm running WRFv3.6.1 with 4 nested domains over an urban area of the UK.
I attach my namelist and runtime mod files for info: View attachment namelist.input View attachment runtime_io_mod_d04.txt
(note that runtime_io_mod_d01.txt, d02, and d03 are all empty files).