Recently, I am trying to run OBSGRID with “lat-lon” projection, but it does not work and an error shown up as “We accept 1 through 3, and you tried a 6, map_proj_incorrect”.
When I tried to read the source code of “./src/driver.F90”, I found that only 3 map projections are supported in the code.
So, I am confusing about how can I run OBSGRID and indirect soil nudging in global mode? Does OBSGRID really support the method to run with “lat-lon” projection I did not noticed?
Recently, I am trying to run OBSGRID with “lat-lon” projection, but it does not work and an error shown up as “We accept 1 through 3, and you tried a 6, map_proj_incorrect”.
When I tried to read the source code of “./src/driver.F90”, I found that only 3 map projections are supported in the code.
So, I am confusing about how can I run OBSGRID and indirect soil nudging in global mode? Does OBSGRID really support the method to run with “lat-lon” projection I did not noticed?