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Run ./real.exe but failed to get wrfinput_d01,wrfinput_d02,wrfinput_d03

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New member
I have run ./real.exe for 3 domains and i did not get wrfinputs for doamins.While i having errors rsl.error.0000, rsl.error.0001 etc.I tried to solve them but could not get through.
Please find below errors screen shorts to understand my problem.
Thank you very much!



  • Screenshot from 2019-10-24 12-36-21.png
    Screenshot from 2019-10-24 12-36-21.png
    354.1 KB · Views: 1,008
  • Screenshot from 2019-10-24 12-36-26.png
    Screenshot from 2019-10-24 12-36-26.png
    255 KB · Views: 1,008
Can you please attach the rsl.error.0000 file, along with the namelist.input file you are using. Can you also issue:
ls -ls met_em* >& log.metgrid
and attach that log.metgrid file, as well. To attach files , while the text box is open, click on the tab with 3 horizontal lines and follow directions for attaching files.
Hi kwerner,
Thanks for your response.
I am running for one month data 2017-03-01 - 2017-03-31.
Please find below the demanded files to understand my problem.
Thank you once again!



  • namelist.input
    4.5 KB · Views: 55
  • log.metgrid.odt
    27.7 KB · Views: 56
  • rsl.error.0000.odt
    10.9 KB · Views: 55
The error message in your rsl.error.0000 file is:
  ------ ERROR while reading namelist physics ------
Maybe here?:      icloud                              = 0,
Maybe here?:      surfcae_input_source                = 3,
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
FATAL CALLED FROM FILE:  <stdin>  LINE:   10851
ERRORS while reading one or more namelists from namelist.input.

which would indicate that the problem is the spelling of surface_input_source in the namelist; however, the namelist you sent does not have that in it, nor is this the error you were originally explaining. Can you remove all of your rsl* files, and then re-run real.exe. At that point please your new full rsl.error.0000 file (please just add a *.txt extension to it, and attach the full file), along with the correct namelist.input file. Thanks.
First thank to your response and correction.
You are right its spell mistake and changed it.
I used num_metgrid_level 27 while it was changed to 32 and re run ./real.exe as a result i got wrfinputd01,d02 and d03 successfully.
Thank you very much once again.

Note: I have sent you an email for mentoring me (GVP) on 19oct,2019.Please have look on it,can i get your help,if it is possible.