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Run WRF with no LSM


New member
I would like to run a simple WRF simulation using 1 domain at 3km resolution with no land surface information. However, the initial and boundary condition data I have (HRRR) contain 21 soil layers. With this input it appears I cannot use sf_surface_physics = 0 or even sf_surface_physics = 1 (5-layer thermal diffusion). Is there a recommended set of parameterizations I can use for such a simulation or a way I can format the HRRR data so that none of the surface data is used?

Thanks very much in advance,
Hi Melissa,
Apologies for the delay in response. I wanted to ask a colleague about this and was waiting for their response. We are only able to find HRRR data with 9 soil levels (instead of 21), but either way, if you want to use your data without an LSM, you should be able to just set sf_surface_physics = 0 before running real.exe. When you do this, what error are you getting? If you're still struggling with this, please attach your full namelist.input file and any output and error files (e.g., rsl.error.* - if you have several rsl* files, please package them all together as a single *.tar file and attach that).