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Running avg_tsfc.exe in WPS

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

Dear WRF-experts,

I am doing a 1 month simulation in WRF with an inland lake at daily resolution. I would like to use the avg_tsfc.exe to update the temperature of the inland lake.

The problem is that, when I run avg_tsfc.exe, there is only 1 file created and not 30 files. I thought that this was supposed to generate the temperature per day?

According the documentation
use the avg_tsfc.exe utility program to create an intermediate file containing a daily-average surface air temperature field

Am I misinterpreting this?
Based on the wording, I believe it should only create a single file (named "TAVGSFC") that contains the daily average mean surface temp for each day. This should be computed during the metgrid process to be included in the met_em* output files by adding in the &metgrid section of the namelist:
constants_name = "TAVGSFC"
Thanks @kwerner

I also read somewhere that this is the case. Only one file per month