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Running the WRF for a long period


Dear all,

I would like to run the WRF model for a long period (1840-2020). I know I should CMIP6 data. But, what meteorological variables should I download? As you know CMPI6 are in netcdf format and they should be converted to GRIB. So how can I do this, please?

Can I download all the necessary meteorological variables in a single NetCDF file?

I also wonder how should I run the model! Should I run the model continuously for each year separately?

for example :
start year =1840,
start month = 01,
start day = 1,
start hour= 00,

end year = 1840,
end month = 12,
end day = 30,
end hour =23
and apply this pattern to all years until 2020?

or should I run it for each month?

for example:
start year =1840,
start month = 01,
start day = 1,
start hour= 00,

end year = 1840,
end month = 01,
end day = 30,
end hour =23,

Please kindly advise me in these regards.
kind regards.
Please see my answers below:

(1) what meteorological variables should I download?
This document describes all the variables you need.

(2) CMPI6 are in netcdf format and they should be converted to GRIB. So how can I do this?
You don't need to convert the CMIP data to GRIB format. Instead, you can read the data, write them in intermediate format, and skip the step of running ungrib.exe. Please see the attached sample code that read CAM data and write these data to intermediate format. Note that you will need to modify this code to make it work for your case.

(3) Can I download all the necessary meteorological variables in a single NetCDF file?
It may be better to download data sand save in several different files.

(4) Should I run the model continuously for each year separately?
You can determine how frequent you want to restart the run. The period can be, for example, every 6-month, or every year.


  • CAM_netcdf_to_WRF_intermediate.f90.txt
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