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Running WRF BEPBEM in V4 and on

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.



Is there any user's manual for running BEP/BEM urban scheme updated for the latest WRF versions?

I have used to apply the urban schemes with WRF V3.6.1.
Now using WRF V4.2.2, and realized there are some changes in setting some options in namelist.input.

In README.input I see now the list of parameters:
num_urban_ndm = 1! (= 2 if BEP or BEM active) maximum number of street dimensions (ndm in BEP or BEM header)
num_urban_ng = 1! (= 10 if BEP or BEM active) number of grid levels in the ground (ng_u in BEP or BEM header)
num_urban_nwr = 1! (= 10 if BEP or BEM active) number of grid levels in the walls or roof (nwr_u in BEP or BEM header)
num_urban_nz = 1! (= 18 if BEP or BEM active) maximum number of vertical levels in the urban grid (nz_um in BEP or BEM header)
num_urban_ngb = 1! (= 10 if BEM active) number of grid levels in the ground below building (ngb_u in BEM header)
num_urban_nf = 1! (= 10 if BEM active) number of grid levels in the floors (nf_u in BEM header)
num_urban_nbui = 1! (= 15 if BEM active) maximum number of types of buildings in an urban class (nbui_max in BEM header)
Should these parameters be included in namelist.input and set equal to 1, when using BEM? (maybe equal 2, 10, 10, 18, ...?)
When I included these parameters (as well as sf_urban_physics = 3, 3, 3,) and ran real.exe, it did not run successfully and showed an error message pointing to the above lines:

-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
ERRORS while reading one or more namelists from namelist.input.

When I did not included the above list, real and wrf seems to run fine.


I am seeing the same issue when running WRF v431 when using sf_urban_physics=3, and trying to add these lines by setting them to 2, 10, 10, 18 etc. but wrf.exe said there is an error reading the namelist.

Should we set them or leave them as default?

Hi Jiali and David,
Please don't set this in your namelist.input. I believe they are automatically specified based on urban physics option.