I am using WRFV4 with chemistry for more than 1 domain. The output size is huge therefore i'd like to remove unwanted variable from being written. I chose the runtime I/O method over editing the Registry.EM_COMMOM (which require reconfigure and recompile). I have added iofields_filename = "remove_vars_d01.txt","remove_vars_d02.txt" and ignore_iofields_warning = .true. to the namelist.input under &time_control. I have noticed that some of the variables are removed in wrfout files but not all of the variables mentioned in the text file. I have attached the text file in the post. Thanks.
I am using WRFV4 with chemistry for more than 1 domain. The output size is huge therefore i'd like to remove unwanted variable from being written. I chose the runtime I/O method over editing the Registry.EM_COMMOM (which require reconfigure and recompile). I have added iofields_filename = "remove_vars_d01.txt","remove_vars_d02.txt" and ignore_iofields_warning = .true. to the namelist.input under &time_control. I have noticed that some of the variables are removed in wrfout files but not all of the variables mentioned in the text file. I have attached the text file in the post. Thanks.