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Segmentation fault when running wrf.exe --v3.9.1.1

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
We are running a 30 km resolution simulation in the WRF model for the Ottawa, Canada region for the time-period: June-August 2018. The model is forced with boundary conditions from North American Regional Reanalysis with spatial resolution of ~33 km. In the simulations, we are using the multi-layer urban model BEP as the urban physics scheme.

When running the model, the pre-processing programs i.e. geogrid, ungrib, metgrid are performed successfully. The real.exe ran successfully but the error occurred on the first time-step when running wrf.exe.
The WRF version is
Major settings in the simulations are as follows:
1) Only one domain is used in this simulation. The number of grids in x and y directions are 100 each (total number of grids in the domain is therefore 100,00).
2) The cumulus parameterization for the domain is set to Kain-Fritsch scheme (cu_physics=1)
3) Time step= 45
4) Urban parameterization: the multi-layer urban model BEP (sf_urban_physics=2).

Other settings are provided in the attached namelist files.

The error message as also provided in the attached rsl.error file is:

WRF TILE 15 IS 97 IE 98 JS 14 JE 14
WRF TILE 16 IS 99 IE 100 JS 14 JE 14
[ib7-sln07p08:581 :0:631] Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault: Sent by the kernel at address (nil))

The model is bring run on our cluster using a total of 5*64 (320 cores) and we also tried 78*16 (1248).

The log files (rsl.* and wrf.log), namelist files(namelist.input, namelist.wps), URBPARM.TBL, job and bash files are attached.

Can you please advise how we can resolve this problem.


  • namelist.input
    4.9 KB · Views: 63
  • namelist.wps
    1.2 KB · Views: 44
  • rsl_error.tar
    1.1 MB · Views: 43
  • rsl_out.tar
    1.1 MB · Views: 36
    11 KB · Views: 33
  • bash_job_files.tar
    6.5 KB · Views: 39
Thank you, Ming. We are using 312 of them.
We have finally changed the resolution to 20 km and it works, considering 30 km grids might be too close to the NARR data resolution.