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segmentation fault with WRF 4.0.3 and OpenMPI

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
I've been trying to get WRF 4.0.3 running on our cluster here at the
University of Washington. I've built with icc/ifort ( and OpenMPI
(2.1.1) on our intel Xeon cluster. I had no trouble running this
simple 2-domain case with an SMP-compiled version, so I know that the
inputs and namelist.input are fine.

However, every build with OpenMPI -- trying different versions
of OpenMPI (1.8.8 and 2.1.1) and ifort ( and --
leads to a segmentation fault at the first time step (see below).
I've of course tried setting stacksize to a healthy 6000M (which is
more than enough for this small 36/12-km domain run).
I am not using the hybrid vertical coordinate. Does anyone have any
ideas or has anyone had similar problems with OpenMPI?

Error seen in rsl.error.0000:
D01 3-D analysis nudging reads new data at time = 0.000 min.
D01 3-D analysis nudging bracketing times = 0.00 180.00 min.
mediation_integrate.G 1943 DATASET=HISTORY
mediation_integrate.G 1944 grid%id 2 grid%oid 3
Timing for Writing wrfout_d02_2019-01-04_12:00:00 for domain 2: 1.12362 elapsed seconds
Tile Strategy is not specified. Assuming 1D-Y
WRF TILE 1 IS 1 IE 46 JS 1 JE 24
Timing for main: time 2019-01-04_12:01:12 on domain 2: 1.78872 elapsed seconds
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Image PC Routine Line Source
wrf.exe.mpi211if2 00000000033FFB61 tbk_trace_stack_i Unknown Unknown
wrf.exe.mpi211if2 00000000033FDC9B tbk_string_stack_ Unknown Unknown
wrf.exe.mpi211if2 0000000003378974 Unknown Unknown Unknown
wrf.exe.mpi211if2 0000000003378786 tbk_stack_trace Unknown Unknown
wrf.exe.mpi211if2 00000000033023A7 for__issue_diagno Unknown Unknown
wrf.exe.mpi211if2 0000000003309FD0 for__signal_handl Unknown Unknown
libpthread-2.19.s 00007FADE38D6890 Unknown Unknown Unknown
wrf.exe.mpi211if2 000000000040D46E Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007FADE353DB45 __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
wrf.exe.mpi211if2 000000000040D369 Unknown Unknown Unknown

David Ovens

I have to do:

setenv KMP_STACKSIZE 256m

on systems that I use (TACC, PSC). If your MPI implementation is different, then the environmental
variable name may be different.

This setting came from one of the TACC staff. Before I did this, my runs would also seg fault.

This is unrelated to setting the shell stacksize.
Actually, KMP_STACKSIZE is used for OpenMP, (the shared memory processing, aka smp) not OpenMPI (distributed memory processing, dmpar), at least on our machines. I set KMP_STACKSIZE when I run the smp code. But, setting KMP_STACKSIZE to 4000M doesn't help this dmpar/OpenMPI code.

As a follow-up, I recompiled 4.0.3 with an older version (2.0.2) of OpenMPI. In this instance, I see this error in the rsl.error.0000 file:
D01 3-D analysis nudging reads new data at time = 0.000 min.
D01 3-D analysis nudging bracketing times = 0.00 180.00 min.
d01 2019-01-04_12:00:00 18828 points exceeded cfl=2 in domain d01 at time 2019-01-04_12:00:00 hours
forrtl: severe (154): array index out of bounds
Image PC Routine Line Source
wrf.exe.mpi202if2 000000000388C141 tbk_trace_stack_i Unknown Unknown
wrf.exe.mpi202if2 000000000388A27B tbk_string_stack_ Unknown Unknown

The cfl error and array index out of bounds problems are really odd, considering that the exact same wrfbdy and wrfinput files work fine
with my smp-compiled version of the same WRF 4.0.3 code. This seems to indicate that the OpenMPI compilation of the code has some
bad integers for array indices -- again, quite odd since the smp/OpenMP compilation of the code does not have that issue.

Would you please upload your namelist.input, wrfinput, wrfbdy and wrffdda etc. for me to take a look? I would try to repeat your case.

We have fort/icc version 17.0.1 here, which is quite similar to the version you use. Bu we have OpenMPI 3.0.1. Anyway I will see whether I can reset your problem first.
Thanks for checking in.

I have gotten it working by modifying some things in the configure.wrf file. I am isolating the cause of the problem now, but suspect
it has something to do with possibly mixing a netcdf-4 and netcdf-3 library. I will post my findings once I've finished.

For WRF v4.0.3 on our Intel Xeon (E5-2650) chips, it turns out that segmentation faults at the first time step are due
to using
"-fp-model fast=1"
"-fp-model fast=2"
in ifort/icc 17.0.0.

"-fp-model precise"
allows the code to run fine (using SMP or DMPAR mode) with the ifort/icc 17.0.0 compiler. Here is the key line in my configure.wrf file:
FCBASEOPTS_NO_G = -ip -fp-model precise -w -ftz -align all -fno-alias $(FORMAT_FREE) $(BYTESWAPIO)

Also, WRF 4.0.3 code compiled using "-xHost" (which implies "-fp-model fast=2") will suffer the segmentation faults unless you add the
"-fp-model precise" flag as shown above.

I also discovered that ifort/icc 15.0.0 works fine with all the
"-fp-model fast=1"
"-fp-model fast=2"
"-fp-model precise"
compiler options in SMP/OpenMP or DMPAR/OpenMPI compilations.

I am not sure if this "bug" is an issue with the ifort/icc 17.0.0 compiler or is an issue in the WRF 4.0.3 code.

David Ovens

Definitely compiler.

Intel 17.x and Intel 18.x optimizations sometimes make a mess of the WRF code. Been there, done that.l