I am trying to do a WRF-LES simulation to get a simulation for a tracer plume at a 10 m resolution. I am trying to figure out how to set/determine the source rate of the source pixel for the tracer in units/second. I tried setting it in the WRFV3/dyn_em/solve_em.F file using the following code (see the bold line):
However, this sets the source pixel value to 50 for the whole history interval of 30 s. I am not sure how to determine the rate per second from this integrated value since the tracer would be transported during those 30 seconds.
IF (config_flags%tracer_opt .eq. 2) THEN
DO j = (jde + jds)/2, (jde + jds)/2, 1
DO i = 3*(ide + ids)/4, 3*(ide + ids)/4, 1
IF ( ips .LE. i .and. ipe .GE. i .and. jps .LE. j .and. jpe .GE. j ) THEN
tracer(i, 1, j, P_tr17_1) = 50.
However, this sets the source pixel value to 50 for the whole history interval of 30 s. I am not sure how to determine the rate per second from this integrated value since the tracer would be transported during those 30 seconds.