Hi everybody,
I hope you are doing well.
As you know there dx and dy in both namelist.wps and namelist.input files. I would like to know should dx and dy be the same in both namelist.wps and namelist.input files? Actually, I could run WRF (global) with different dx and dy as the following sections in namelist.wps and namelist.input, and it seems to work well. Did I do something wrong? I should mention using GFS0.50 for forcing (initial and boundary data). Thanks in advance.
e_we = 1537, 220,
e_sn = 769, 214,
map_proj = 'lat-lon',
stand_lon = 180.
pole_lat = 90.0
pole_lon = 0.0
ref_lat = 45.0
ref_lon = 50
dx = 0.5
dy = 0.5
e_we = 1537, 41, 41,
e_sn = 769, 81, 81,
dx = 26057.22,20000, 4000,
dy = 26057.22,20000, 4000,
I hope you are doing well.
As you know there dx and dy in both namelist.wps and namelist.input files. I would like to know should dx and dy be the same in both namelist.wps and namelist.input files? Actually, I could run WRF (global) with different dx and dy as the following sections in namelist.wps and namelist.input, and it seems to work well. Did I do something wrong? I should mention using GFS0.50 for forcing (initial and boundary data). Thanks in advance.
e_we = 1537, 220,
e_sn = 769, 214,
map_proj = 'lat-lon',
stand_lon = 180.
pole_lat = 90.0
pole_lon = 0.0
ref_lat = 45.0
ref_lon = 50
dx = 0.5
dy = 0.5
e_we = 1537, 41, 41,
e_sn = 769, 81, 81,
dx = 26057.22,20000, 4000,
dy = 26057.22,20000, 4000,