Jayanti pal
Let say, I want to run wrf for 72 hour (From 17.05.2020 to 19.05.2020)
For that I have taken 72 hour forecast of 17.05.2020 at 00z (initialize model with 17.05.2020 00 gmt)
When I run the wrf using that above data, is it a simulation or forecasting?
what is the basic difference between simulation and forecasting regarding WRF run?
Please clear this point.
Thank you
For that I have taken 72 hour forecast of 17.05.2020 at 00z (initialize model with 17.05.2020 00 gmt)
When I run the wrf using that above data, is it a simulation or forecasting?
what is the basic difference between simulation and forecasting regarding WRF run?
Please clear this point.
Thank you