I use ERA5 data as the forcing data. I run the case with other LSMs successfully.Your namelist.input looks fine to me, except that you use SSIB LSM, which is kind of obsolete.
There is no error message in your rsl files, and this case seems to fail immediately after wrf.exe started. This indicates that something could be wrong in your input data. Can you tell what data did you use to drive WRF?
Thank you very much .Can I understand that unreasonable land use is the reason for this error of ./wrf.exe? Can't the ./real.exe result the input file with accurate land use types. What can I do to run it successfully?Thanks for the update. ERA5 works fine as the forcing data for WRF. Thus the failure of your case is caused by SSIB LSM. As I have mentioned in my previous post, SSIB is an obsolete package with only 13 land use types. It is not recommended to activate this scheme.
Thank you very much!If you do need to run WRF with SSiB LSM driven by ERA5, I would suggest that you recompile WRF in debug mode, i.e.,
./clean -a
./configure -D
./compile em_real
Then you can rerun the failed case. The log file will tell exactly when and where the model crash, which will give you helpful information about what is wrong. From there you can figure out the reason for the model crash, and fix the issue.
Unfortunately we cannot debug some issues due to limited human power.