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Some variables missing in output from nested model, except for first timestep

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New member
WRF + CORDEX extension
I know this is not a recommended version, but we want to use it for reference to earlier work.

I am running a model with a nested domain over Scandinavia, but I struggle to get all the specified output variables.
The first output step from domain2 seems OK, but consecutive output files misses (some) variables.
cu_physics  = 1, 0,
iofields_filename = rcm_iofields_d01.txt, rcm_iofields_d02.txt,
The first wrfout_d02_... outputs 289 variables, including all the ones in the list above, except for PSL.
The first wrfhrly_d02 contains all variables specified above, including PSL. The SW* variables were enabled in Registry.EM_COMMON by adding h and recompile.

However, the consecutive wrfout_d02 only contains 86 variables, missing RAIN*, SWDOWN, LWDNB, PSFC, CLDFRA.
The consecutive wrfhrly_d02 contains now only 12 variables, also missing the ones mentioned.

I get the following warning for ever hourly output in rsl.error, I haven't found any conclusive explanation for this warning yet:
Timing for Writing wrfhrly_d01_1984-01-01_01:00:00 for domain        1:    0.65385 elapsed seconds
 W A R N I N G : Unable to modify mask for rainsh.  Variable not found. File: rcm_iofields_d02.txt at line            1
 W A R N I N G : Unable to modify mask for rainnc.  Variable not found. File: rcm_iofields_d02.txt at line            1
 W A R N I N G : Unable to modify mask for swdown.  Variable not found. File: rcm_iofields_d02.txt at line            1
 W A R N I N G : Unable to modify mask for lwdnb.  Variable not found. File: rcm_iofields_d02.txt at line            1
 W A R N I N G : Unable to modify mask for psl.  Variable not found. File: rcm_iofields_d02.txt at line            1
 W A R N I N G : Unable to modify mask for cldfra.  Variable not found. File: rcm_iofields_d02.txt at line            1
 Ignoring problems reading rcm_iofields_d02.txt
Continuing.  To make this a fatal error, set ignore_iofields_warn to false in namelist

Timing for Writing wrfhrly_d02_1984-01-01_01:00:00 for domain        2:    0.07583 elapsed seconds
Any hints would be much appreciated, thank you.


  • namelist.input
    9.2 KB · Views: 18
As you are running an unsupported version of the code, can you try this test with the most recent version of WRF (without the CORDEX extension) to see if you're still seeing the same problem? If not, then unfortunately it must be related to either the older code, or the combination with CORDEX. If you are still seeing the issue with out-of-the-box WRFV4+ code, then we will want to take a deeper look into your issue.