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Spatially varying heat flux and drag coefficient values

Dear WRF Users,
Does anyone know how to specify tke_heat_flux as a spatially varying quantity on the idealized em_les case? If so, what would be the best way to do this?
Hi Hrishikesh,
Please take a look at the code dyn_em/module_diffusion_em.F, in which you can find the piece of code:

hflux: SELECT CASE( config_flags%isfflx )
CASE (0,2) ! with fixed surface heat flux given in the namelist
heat_flux = config_flags%tke_heat_flux ! constant heat flux value
DO j = j_start, j_end
DO i = i_start, i_end
cpm = cp * (1. + 0.8 * moist(i,kts,j,P_QV))
hfx(i,j)= heat_flux*cpm*rho(i,1,j)

I am thinking that you can specify spatially varying heat_flux here. However, I am not quite sure whether parallelization could be an issue here.