Do I have to allow a spin-up time for a restart run when simulating hurricanes?
I have a problem getting the same results with a non-restart run (low resolution) with a restart run (high resolution). I have the same namelist parameters except for the resolution and number of domains.
Restart – /glade/scratch/jvithana/test7-2km/WRFV4_irine/test/em_real
Non restart- /glade/scratch/jvithana/test9-3km/WRFV4_irine/test/em_real
in those folders i ran the same namelist variables, but different resolutions. results are not matching.
Do I have to allow a spin-up time for a restart run when simulating hurricanes?
I have a problem getting the same results with a non-restart run (low resolution) with a restart run (high resolution). I have the same namelist parameters except for the resolution and number of domains.
Restart – /glade/scratch/jvithana/test7-2km/WRFV4_irine/test/em_real
Non restart- /glade/scratch/jvithana/test9-3km/WRFV4_irine/test/em_real
in those folders i ran the same namelist variables, but different resolutions. results are not matching.