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SST update with nested domains

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hi all,
I am running a tripple three one-way nested run, and i want to update sst with time-varying SST. I succceded in wps program, but when I run real.exe, it only produced wrflowinp_d01, no wrflowinp_d02 and wrflowinp_d03. How could it update the SST in inner domains without wrflowinp_d02 and wrflowinp_d03 even if the sst_update set on in namelist.input?


  • namelist.input
    4.4 KB · Views: 57
Thanks for the update. I actually run a test case and is able to produce wrflowinp files for all the nested domains. We need to have met-em files for all the domains and over the entire integration period.

You only need to set
sst_upadte =1

The key issue is that you need to have met_em files for all domains and over all the the integration period. Below is an example.
Suppose you run a triply-nested cases over 48-hour period and the forcing data is at 6-hour interval. You need to have 9 met_em.d01, 9 met_em.d02 and 9 met_em.d03 files over the 48-hour period. The start and end time need to be specified for all the three domains accordingly.
Now the questions is the historical rtg_sst files. The sst in the example of online tutoical is 1/12 degreergt_sst. But rtg_high_res is only available from 2015 to 2020, and rtg_low_res is just available in year 2018. I want to do simulation from 2001 to 2015, how can I access to rtg_sst in this period? Or is there other sst sources?
Thanks and best regards