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SST variable in wrfout files

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

Dear WRF supporters,
I'm running WRF with sst_update=1 (sst_skin not set, default 0).
I realized why the output variable SST_INPUT is zero in this post
My question is why the output variable SST is different from the SST in the wrflowinp?
I can't find any explanation in the manual, probably WRF makes some calculation?
The reason of my question is that I want to compare simulations with different SST inputs, and I want to be sure that the different SST in the wrflowinp are correctly ingested in WRF.
Could you help me?
Thank you
Would you please confirm that you look at SST in wrfout and compare with SST in wrflowinp, and you find they are different? Can you clarify how you compare SSTs from the two files? It will be helpful if you can upload a figure to show the difference. thanks.
Dear ming,
sorry for the late reply.
I confirm, I compare by difference the SST extracted from wrflowinp01 and the SSt extracted from the wrfout files.
Then with ncdiff I calculate the difference.
The SST is updated every 3 hours in the input file as you see in the namelist, taht is the same timestep of the history files.
The SST prescribed comes from ECMWF analysis every 6 hours, but it has daily values (the same values repeated 4 times).
I found differences only at 3:00 and 6:00 of each day, I figure it could be a matter of temporal interpolation?
I uploaded the namelist and the nc file.
Thank you


  • namelist.input
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