I used the 1km wrfout results to drive a 200m simulation and completed it using ndown.exe. However, the results were very strange. I found that there were oscillations in the upper-air wind, which undoubtedly affected my simulation results. As a beginner of ndown, I'm not sure where the problem is.
Is it due to incorrect settings of some parameters? There were some errors during I use the wrfout files ,then I turned off the topo_wind.
Any thoughts are appreciated.
Thanks so much,
Interesting namelist.input variables:
I used the 1km wrfout results to drive a 200m simulation and completed it using ndown.exe. However, the results were very strange. I found that there were oscillations in the upper-air wind, which undoubtedly affected my simulation results. As a beginner of ndown, I'm not sure where the problem is.
Is it due to incorrect settings of some parameters? There were some errors during I use the wrfout files ,then I turned off the topo_wind.
Any thoughts are appreciated.
Thanks so much,
Interesting namelist.input variables: