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Suppress rsl.out.xxxx and output



I am running many WRF runs in parallel and the constant writing to rsl files is slowing things down on my file system. Is there a way to suppress these outputs?
Can I ask if you happen to have debug_level set to anything greater than 0 in your namelist.input file? If so, set it back to 0 and that should drastically reduce the size of the rsl* files. Otherwise, writing out to those files shouldn't be the primary hold up. The time is used to actually write the wrfout* and wrfrst* files during simulation.
Thanks for the quick answer! Debug_level is set to zero. The problem is I'm running 100+ separate WRF runs in parallel and writing to a single file system on AWS. This particular file system has rapid parallelized I/O, but the trade off is a slight lag before each write. I'm worried that slight lag for writing rsl* files at each time step accumulates to a lot of wasted time over the course of the simulation. Is there any way to suppress the output?
Unfortunately there isn't a simple on/off switch for this, but if you want to play around with some of the code, I *think* the file that outputs the rsl files is external/RSL_LITE/c_code.c