When I use WPS to process ERA5 data, the met_em files show SNOW and SNOWH over the Tibetan Plateau that are far higher than the actual values, and the SNOWH does not match the original ERA5 data. This further leads to program crashes when I use NoahLSM and NoahMP.
When I was searching for the ungrib.exe program files, I found the following code related to ERA5 SNOW data processing in rrpr.F.
The original data provided by ERA5 is snow depth, and according to the description in rrpr.F, SNOW needs to be calculated through SNOW_EC to further obtain SNOWH. However, "scr2d = scr2d * 1000" shows that the conversion from SNOW_EC (m) to SNOW (kg m-2) involves multiplying by 1000, which is inconsistent with the actual snow density range of 0.1-0.8 × 10³ kg m-3.
Additionally, ERA5 provides snow density data, SNOW_DEN (kg m-3), which might be used to calculate SNOW, or perhaps a more reasonable value could be applied.
I am not sure if my understanding is correct and would greatly appreciate your clarification.
Thanks as always.
When I use WPS to process ERA5 data, the met_em files show SNOW and SNOWH over the Tibetan Plateau that are far higher than the actual values, and the SNOWH does not match the original ERA5 data. This further leads to program crashes when I use NoahLSM and NoahMP.
When I was searching for the ungrib.exe program files, I found the following code related to ERA5 SNOW data processing in rrpr.F.
! ECMWF snow depth in meters of water equivalent (Table 128). Convert to kg/m2
if (is_there(200100, 'SNOW_EC')) then
call get_dims(200100, 'SNOW_EC')
call get_storage(200100, 'SNOW_EC', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
scr2d = scr2d * 1000.
call put_storage(200100, 'SNOW', scr2d, map%nx, map%ny)
The original data provided by ERA5 is snow depth, and according to the description in rrpr.F, SNOW needs to be calculated through SNOW_EC to further obtain SNOWH. However, "scr2d = scr2d * 1000" shows that the conversion from SNOW_EC (m) to SNOW (kg m-2) involves multiplying by 1000, which is inconsistent with the actual snow density range of 0.1-0.8 × 10³ kg m-3.
Additionally, ERA5 provides snow density data, SNOW_DEN (kg m-3), which might be used to calculate SNOW, or perhaps a more reasonable value could be applied.
I am not sure if my understanding is correct and would greatly appreciate your clarification.
Thanks as always.