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The mandatory field TT was not found in any input data.(I found same question but not work for me.)

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member

my ERROR: The mandatory field TT was not found in any input data.
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 34) - process 1
Exit code: 34
Runtime: 0 s

during run metgrid and what problem coursed of this?




  • namelist.wps
    570 bytes · Views: 57
Would you please run the utility rd_intermediate.exe to check your intermediate file. The command is:
WPS/util/rd_intermediate.exe filename > log
Please send me the log file to take a look. Thanks.
Hi Ming,
Thanks so much for quick reply.
I use gis4wrf in QGIS, and my system is ubuntu 18.04. (only this system,no windows).
And please check the file inside of metgrid as attached.



  • Screenshot from 2021-04-07 13-57-05.png
    Screenshot from 2021-04-07 13-57-05.png
    423.5 KB · Views: 1,356
Hello Ming,

If I downloaded from UCAR the file contain my name like this: gfs.0p25.2020080600.f024.grib2.spasub.xu477630
and the above the error which I downloaded from NCEP like this: met/ds084.1/24-hour Forecast/20210406/gfs.t12z.pgrb2.0p25.f000,
So I think the MPI did not recognize the file name belong.

And How can I do the downloading from as confirmed with gis4wrf recolonization.


I am suspicious that something is already wrong when you run ungrib. The gfs file may not be successfully ungribbed.
Please download GFS data at the websites:
remember the keep the filename as is in the website and don't change it.
Then you should use Vtable.GFS to unngrib the GFS file. Please start with just a single file, run ungrib and metgrid to process the file.
I suppose that you should be able to produce met_em file. if not, please save all the log files for me to take a look.
084.1 this link works for me.
I have just wanted to use one more data for more information analysis.

