I am trying to create an input file for a long simulation (7 years) using ERA-Interim dataset. The problem is that wrflowinp file will have only 10000 time step when i run real.exe and the file does not cover my entire simulation. I think that somewhere in the WRF code there is a hard-coded limit for time dimension but i am not sure where. I just use grep to find it and found external/io_netcdf/wrf_io.F90 file. There is a MaxTimes variable that is set as 10000. So, i increased it and recompile the code but it did not help me. So, could you point me out the right place that sets the limits.
I am trying to create an input file for a long simulation (7 years) using ERA-Interim dataset. The problem is that wrflowinp file will have only 10000 time step when i run real.exe and the file does not cover my entire simulation. I think that somewhere in the WRF code there is a hard-coded limit for time dimension but i am not sure where. I just use grep to find it and found external/io_netcdf/wrf_io.F90 file. There is a MaxTimes variable that is set as 10000. So, i increased it and recompile the code but it did not help me. So, could you point me out the right place that sets the limits.