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troubles, could not find trapping x locations

I am trying to run a cyclonic event with SST update. I have updated SST at daily. There I have convert netcdf to intermediate format and then run mergrid. Although it shows successful and all met_em files are created. At the end it shows
! Successful completion of metgrid. !
[1]+ Done gedit namelist.wps

While I am trying to run real.exe i am getting following error

(base) oem@oem-Inspiron-15-5501:~/WRF-4.2.1/run$ tail rsl.error.0000
t(i,j,k) was 0 at 96 117 35 , setting Qv to 0
t(i,j,k) was 0 at 97 117 35 , setting Qv to 0
t(i,j,k) was 0 at 98 117 35 , setting Qv to 0
t(i,j,k) was 0 at 99 117 35 , setting Qv to 0
Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
troubles, could not find trapping x locations
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0

How can I resolve this issue? I have attached namelist of wps and wrf


  • namelist.wps
    806 bytes · Views: 2
  • namelist.input
    3.9 KB · Views: 1
The message below indicates that your input data is wrong.
t(i,j,k) was 0 at 96 117 35 , setting Qv to 0
t(i,j,k) was 0 at 97 117 35 , setting Qv to 0
t(i,j,k) was 0 at 98 117 35 , setting Qv to 0
t(i,j,k) was 0 at 99 117 35 , setting Qv to 0

What are the forcing data you used for this case?
The message below indicates that your input data is wrong.
t(i,j,k) was 0 at 96 117 35 , setting Qv to 0
t(i,j,k) was 0 at 97 117 35 , setting Qv to 0
t(i,j,k) was 0 at 98 117 35 , setting Qv to 0
t(i,j,k) was 0 at 99 117 35 , setting Qv to 0

What are the forcing data you used for this case?
I have used GFS data which I have used earlier also when it worked fine. The main difference is here I have added SST data. I have taken SST daily data from NOAA and convert it into intermediate format using NCL.
then I am able to generate met_em file. but when I run real.exe it shows error (in rsl file attached)
Kindly help me to find out the exact problem and solution.

I have attached namelist of both WPS and WRF, log file of metgrid, and ncl script that I used to convert netcdf to intermediate format. ncl script has been converted to txt file since .ncl file do not support for attachment.


  • metgrid.log
    1.6 MB · Views: 1
  • namelist.wps
    887 bytes · Views: 2
  • geogrid.log
    31.3 KB · Views: 0
  • rsl.out.0000
    1.5 MB · Views: 0
  • namelist.input
    3.9 KB · Views: 1
  • nc_int_wps.txt
    895 bytes · Views: 0
If the SST data you added to met_em have different landmark to that in GFS, you will have trouble to run REAL. Please see the document here that describes how to use input data with different landmask:
Dear Ming Chen

As suggested by you I have checked the document you have attached. The solution for two different land mask is to define separate variable in two Vtable file but SST data does not have landmask variable. Also Vtable is required when we convert grib to intermediate but here i didn't use ungrib for SST data. However there LANDSEA variable in Vtable.SST

SST data has been in netcdf format and I have converted it into intermediate format using NCL. Fortran script is not working in my system. I have checked the intermediate file as well as netcdf file using ncview, no landmask data is there. Do I need to add separately while converting to intermediate format. Ncl script has been attached with .txt extension earlier.
Kindly suggest.
To resolve that issue I re-download SST data from then I convert it in intermediate form which looks o. here below the details of intermediate file
FIELD = sst
UNITS = degC DESCRIPTION = Sea Surface Temperature
DATE = 2020-05-16_00 FCST = 0.000000
SOURCE = Unknown data source
LEVEL = 1.000000
I,J DIMS = 7200, 3600
REF_X, REF_Y = 1.000000, 1.000000
REF_LAT, REF_LON = -89.974998, -179.975006
DLAT, DLON = -0.250000, 0.250000
EARTH_RADIUS = 6367.470215


I add sst variable in metgrid.tbl

Then I run metgrid.exe which shows following error
ERROR: Error in ext_pkg_write_field
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_OVERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL

To check this error comes from sst or not, I again run metgrid without SST. but that time I also got same error
ERROR: Error in ext_pkg_write_field
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_OVERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL

It shows issue with some surface data. But I have downloaded GFS data from rda,ucar. This error is not associated with SST data but with GFS data. I have attached Vtable.GFS that I used to ungrib the data.
What is actually happening with GFS data, I am not able to understand, Kindly suggest.


    2.6 KB · Views: 4