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Turning off sensible heat flux

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
I know that
isfflx = 0,
turns off both latent and sensible heat fluxes.

Is there an option in WRF that allows to turn off only sensible heat flux?
No, there is no such option to turn off only sensible heat flux. But you can always modify the code to make it work that way.
For example, you can take a look at the code phys/module_surface_driver.F, in which you can set HFX = 0. You may also modify sfclay scheme to set HFX = 0.
I use sf_sfclay_physics = 2 option.
So I changed the line
in WRFV3/phys/module_sf_myjsfc.F
Is this a correct way to turn off sensible heat flux?
I checked that hfx=0 in wrfout. But apart from this the model results almost did not change.
It seems that HFX is just a diagnostic variable here.
T2 in wrfout is exactly equal to SST.

I changed module_surface_driver.F
I added hfx=0 after the command CALL MYJSFC
But the modeling results didn't change at all after this.

I also compared temperature at the lowest model level.
Even after 9 hours of modelling there is not much difference between the control run and the experiment (less than 0.1 K). The difference is noticeable (1-2 K) only in the areas with large values of w.
Wind field (u;v) almost didn't change.

I'm also trying to run a similar setup with surface sensible heat flux.
I would like to clarify if the sensible heat flux (SHEAT) in module_sf_noahlsm.F should also be modified?

Thank you.

You may try to set sensible heat flux to zero either in the surface scheme you use, or set it to zero in surface driver. I suppose either way howled work.
Please try and keep me updated about the results.