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Ungrib.exe stops with "forrtl: severe (67): input statement requires too much data, unit 13" error


New member

I am trying to run WPS4 with ECMWF grib data. I use an appropriate Vtable from Variable_tables folder, but ungrib.exe produces the next error:

forrtl: severe (67): input statement requires too much data, unit 13, file /data12/anton/WPS4/./PFILE:2022-07-01_00

As I understand, this is the Fortran's error, which can be fixed only by recompiling the WPS? If not, how can I fix the error?
Also, when I use GFS data, everything works fine without any errors.

Any help will be appreciated.
Can you let me know the command you're using to run ungrib.exe? Can you also attach your namelist.wps file, as well as your ungrib.log? Thanks!