Hi there,
The following error appears in one of my rsl.error files when running real.exe:
I can not find any similar error on the forum.
I am running WRF with a very simple configuration forced by ERA5 on pressure levels. real.exe seems to work over a random number of time-steps an then fails with the previous error.
The output above comes from a run over 100 cores with 6GB of memory each.
Any ideas?
The following error appears in one of my rsl.error files when running real.exe:
$ tail -n 50 rsl.error.0000
date 1999-01-02_13:00:00
ds 1 1 1
de 139 33 5
ps 1 1 1
pe 14 33 5
ms -4 1 1
me 21 33 5
module_io.F: in wrf_write_field
real.exe: posixio.c:293: px_pgout: Assertion `*posp == ((off_t)(-1)) || *posp == lseek(nciop->fd, 0, 1)' failed.
forrtl: error (76): Abort trap signal
I can not find any similar error on the forum.
I am running WRF with a very simple configuration forced by ERA5 on pressure levels. real.exe seems to work over a random number of time-steps an then fails with the previous error.
The output above comes from a run over 100 cores with 6GB of memory each.
Any ideas?