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Using different NCAR datasets for initial and boundary conditions


New member

I'm interested in using two different datasets (NARR and GFS-FNL) - one for my initial conditions and the second for the lateral boundary conditions for the rest of the simulations. Is this possible and if so I am unsure how to specify this in the namelist.input or wrf model files.

I would appreciate any advice you may have for WRFV4.4.2 or WRFV3.9.1.

Thank you!
Thank you very much! This is extremely helpful

I'm struggling running real.exe because the two datasets I'm using have a different number of metgrid_levels. Is there a way around this?

Thank. you again
After you run WPS for both datasets, determine how many metgrid levels are in the met_em* files, using the following command (for your specific date/time):

ncdump -h | grep -i num_metgrid_levels

You can use that value in namelist.input before running real.exe.