Hi all,
I am using SRTM static data for the nests in the WPS program.
ungrib, geogrid and metgrid programs run successfully.
The process is successful and metgrid files are made showing topology (HGT_M) taken correctly from the SRTM dataset.
However, WRF output files seem to have used the coarse topology data, instead of the high resolution data, even though correct metgrid files are made and linked.
I was wondering if someone knows the root of this issue.
I am using 3 domains, 1 parent, two nests.
Can it be because of the option input_from _file which is set to true just for the first domain?
input_from_file = True., .False., .False.,
When I set all to true, the simulation breaks!
I appreciate any helpful comment on this.
I am using SRTM static data for the nests in the WPS program.
ungrib, geogrid and metgrid programs run successfully.
The process is successful and metgrid files are made showing topology (HGT_M) taken correctly from the SRTM dataset.
However, WRF output files seem to have used the coarse topology data, instead of the high resolution data, even though correct metgrid files are made and linked.
I was wondering if someone knows the root of this issue.
I am using 3 domains, 1 parent, two nests.
Can it be because of the option input_from _file which is set to true just for the first domain?
input_from_file = True., .False., .False.,
When I set all to true, the simulation breaks!
I appreciate any helpful comment on this.