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Using New Landuse Data: FRC_URB2D file generation (RESOLVED)

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
I'm using land cover data for parts of Ontario that has impervious fraction built in, and I want to use it since the included nlcd file only has data for the US. However, I'm having trouble -- the geo_em files show reasonable values of frc_urb2d in the US but no values (all 0) in Canada.

I followed the directions in the WRF user's guide to create this. hexdump shows that the binary file was correctly written (not all 0, and is of the correct size. As a test, I changed fill_missing to 1 in GEOGRID.TBL for diagnostic purposes -- the geo_em files were now all 1.

To test further, I changed the name of the file and saw that I got the same result, and geogrid didn't so much as throw a warning. Therefore, I suspect that geogrid is not reading in the binary file at all. Why might this be? I'm sure I named it correctly (00001-48233.00001-35255). Is it because of its size (1.7 GB)?

Attached are the index and GEOGRID.TBL files.

Thanks in advance for your help!


    19.9 KB · Views: 83
  • index.txt
    386 bytes · Views: 87
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Can you also attach your namelist.wps file so I can see how you are linking to your static data? Thanks!
kwerner said:
Can you also attach your namelist.wps file so I can see how you are linking to your static data? Thanks!

Here it is -- thanks in advance!


  • namelist.wps
    979 bytes · Views: 81
I apologize - a couple more questions.
1) Can you let me know the directory structure of your new data? For e.g., is it inside "/home/dashie/projects/def-skrayenh/GEOG?" If so, is the index file inside another directory inside GEOG, along with the other data files? Please let me know the name of that directory and then go into that directory and issue
ls -ls >& new_data.txt
and send me that new_data.txt file

2) You mentioned you want to use NLCD data also? If so, which one? What else were you hoping to use in addition to NLCD (e.g., MODIS or USGS)?

3) What version of wps are you using?

kwerner said:
I apologize - a couple more questions.
1) Can you let me know the directory structure of your new data? For e.g., is it inside "/home/dashie/projects/def-skrayenh/GEOG?" If so, is the index file inside another directory inside GEOG, along with the other data files? Please let me know the name of that directory and then go into that directory and issue
ls -ls >& new_data.txt
and send me that new_data.txt file

2) You mentioned you want to use NLCD data also? If so, which one? What else were you hoping to use in addition to NLCD (e.g., MODIS or USGS)?

3) What version of wps are you using?


Hi! Thanks for your help. My datum is in /home/dashie/projects/def-skrayenh/GEOG/solris
[dashie@cedar1 ~]$ cd ~/projects/def-skrayenh/GEOG/
[dashie@cedar1 GEOG]$ ls
albedo_modis                          nlcd2011_ll_9s    soiltype_top_30s
greenfrac_fpar_modis                  NUDAPT44_1km      solris
lai_modis_10m                         orogwd_10m        topo_gmted2010_30s
lai_modis_30s                         orogwd_1deg       urbfrac_nlcd2011
maxsnowalb_modis                      orogwd_20m        varsso
misc                                  orogwd_2deg       varsso_10m
modis_landuse_20class_30s_with_lakes  orogwd_30m        varsso_2m
nlcd2011_can_ll_9s                    soiltemp_1deg     varsso_5m
nlcd2011_imp_ll_9s                    soiltype_bot_30s
[dashie@cedar1 GEOG]$ cd solris
[dashie@cedar1 solris]$ ll
total 34435
-rw-r----- 1 dashie def-skrayenh 1700454415 Apr 26 15:41 00001-48233.00001-35255
-rw-r----- 1 dashie def-skrayenh        385 Apr 27 14:38 index
[dashie@cedar1 solris]$ pwd
[dashie@cedar1 solris]$

I was planning on using NLCD urban data ('nlcd2011_9s'), but it doesn't have any urban data for my study area, so I reverted to the default '30m' which I believe is MODIS.

I am using the latest version, WPS 4.2.
In WPSV4.2, the default landuse is actually:
rel_path =        default:modis_landuse_20class_30s_with_lakes/

I was curious whether you added your new data this to the GEOGRID.TBL, and I see that you did:
        fill_missing = 1.
        interp_option=default: average_gcell(2.0)+four_pt

However, if you want to use the default landuse, as well as that solris data, you need to set your namelist resolution to:
geog_data_res      = 'default','default','default'

I believe that should work. If not, and it's still not incorporating the solris data, in your GEOGRID.TBL, change the relative path to:
and then set your namelist resolution to:
geog_data_res      = 'default+solris','default+solris','default+solris'
kwerner said:
In WPSV4.2, the default landuse is actually:
rel_path =        default:modis_landuse_20class_30s_with_lakes/

I was curious whether you added your new data this to the GEOGRID.TBL, and I see that you did:
        fill_missing = 1.
        interp_option=default: average_gcell(2.0)+four_pt

However, if you want to use the default landuse, as well as that solris data, you need to set your namelist resolution to:
geog_data_res      = 'default','default','default'

I believe that should work. If not, and it's still not incorporating the solris data, in your GEOGRID.TBL, change the relative path to:
and then set your namelist resolution to:
geog_data_res      = 'default+solris','default+solris','default+solris'
Thanks for letting me know the default has changed.

I tried both options and it still did not work. geogrid.log says the datum is being read in and processed. But once it reaches the geo_em files, it is all zero. I know the values aren't all zero (see attachment). I also tried changing the map projection to no avail. The only thing I can think of now is that somehow the map grid is incorrect, but I'm sure the lower left corner (known lat/lon) is in the domain area so some data should be appearing in the geo_em files anyway.

Any additional troubleshooting help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance c:


  • hexdump.txt
    778 bytes · Views: 62
Without looking at the data, myself, I'm not sure I'll be able to figure this out. Can you send the static data file? I know it's large, so it won't attach to this forum, but take a look at the home page of the forum for instructions on providing large files. After, you can let me know where I can find the file.

Please also attach your updated namelist.wps file.

kwerner said:
Without looking at the data, myself, I'm not sure I'll be able to figure this out. Can you send the static data file? I know it's large, so it won't attach to this forum, but take a look at the home page of the forum for instructions on providing large files. After, you can let me know where I can find the file.

Please also attach your updated namelist.wps file.


Hello, it actually compresses up quite nicely -- so here it is attached. Thanks so much for your help!


  • 00001-48233.00001-35255.gz
    7 MB · Views: 51
Thanks for the quick response! Can you send your updated namelist.wps file too? I can do without it, but I'd like to check over it again.
kwerner said:
Thanks for the quick response! Can you send your updated namelist.wps file too? I can do without it, but I'd like to check over it again.

Here it is


  • namelist.wps
    1,012 bytes · Views: 55
Thanks for sending those. When I set the following in the namelist.wps file:
geog_data_res = 'default'
and in the GEOGRID.TBL, I set
        fill_missing = 0.
        interp_option=default: average_gcell(2.0)+four_pt
After running geogrid.exe, I get values for FRC_URB2D in my domain 01 plot (I didn't check for additional domains since I figured you were getting zeros on all domains). I'm attaching a screen shot of the output from the file.

Just to be sure, you are using your modified GEOGRID.TBL file, correct? If you go into the geogrid/ directory and issue
ls -ls
you should see that your GEOGRID.TBL is pointing to the correct/modified file.

Also, check your geogrid.log to see if FRC_URB2D is being processed.


  • FRC_URB2D.png
    78.4 KB · Views: 2,018
kwerner said:
Thanks for sending those. When I set the following in the namelist.wps file:
geog_data_res = 'default'
and in the GEOGRID.TBL, I set
        fill_missing = 0.
        interp_option=default: average_gcell(2.0)+four_pt
After running geogrid.exe, I get values for FRC_URB2D in my domain 01 plot (I didn't check for additional domains since I figured you were getting zeros on all domains). I'm attaching a screen shot of the output from the file.

Just to be sure, you are using your modified GEOGRID.TBL file, correct? If you go into the geogrid/ directory and issue
ls -ls
you should see that your GEOGRID.TBL is pointing to the correct/modified file.

Also, check your geogrid.log to see if FRC_URB2D is being processed.

I went ahead and tried recompiling & running on a different system, and it worked, except I had to remove the nlcd entry for FRC_URB2D from my GEOGRID.TBL, which seemed to overwrite this datum no matter what priority it's set to.

This behaviour is good enough for my case, however, so no further help is needed. Thanks for your help!