following up on topic >Difference between wrfinput and initial wrfout
I observed no significant difference between wrfinput and the initial wrfout in WRF4.2.2 for the test case em_quarter_ss.
Yet, I found a case where there is a difference:
When I integrate the test case for 1,5 hours and use the wrfout file there as wrfinput to restart the run, like so:
then I get a significantly different P field in the wrfinput and first wrfout file at this time.
Is it not advisable to restart a run from a wrfout file?
I heard that it should not make much difference. Yet I am concerned about the error that is introduced by that, since I get T errors oscillating around 1K (RMSE, lowest level, comparing wrfout_restarted run to a wrfrst_restarted run; see figure below)
following up on topic >Difference between wrfinput and initial wrfout
I observed no significant difference between wrfinput and the initial wrfout in WRF4.2.2 for the test case em_quarter_ss.
Yet, I found a case where there is a difference:
When I integrate the test case for 1,5 hours and use the wrfout file there as wrfinput to restart the run, like so:
mv wrfout_d01_...01:30:00 wrfinput_d01; ./wrf.exe
Is it not advisable to restart a run from a wrfout file?
I heard that it should not make much difference. Yet I am concerned about the error that is introduced by that, since I get T errors oscillating around 1K (RMSE, lowest level, comparing wrfout_restarted run to a wrfrst_restarted run; see figure below)