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Vertical High Resolution


New member
It was understood that high resolution in the horizontal direction, i.e., in the dx, dy direction, is high resolution by atmospheric mechanics and equations.
However, I understood that high resolution in the vertical direction, that is, the dz direction, is done by interpolation, right?

It is known that the vertical level is determined by the values of s_vert and e_vert in the Namelist.input, and the explanation of this variable shows that "The number of vertical (or Eta) levels will be on which level.exe will interpolate the incoming data. This number must be the name for e_vert."

How do I understand it if it's not a high-resolution image of the vertical level with simple interpolation?

Thank you.
I am not quite clear of your question. Just try to answer based on my understanding.
The vertical interpolation is only conducted at the model initial time. Once wrf.exe starts running, WRF physics/dynamics will determine all variables in the high-resolution grids, yielding high-resolution images of the atmosphere.
Hope this is helpful for you. Please clarify if ou have more questions.
How do I perform vertical high resolution using WRF?

Dose the WRF calculate vertical high resolution with atmospheric mechanics and equations? or is it done by interpolation?
REAL program calculates eta levels based on p_top and psfc. It also interpolates variables to the calculated eta levels.
Please see the code dyn_em/module_initilize_real.F to get more details how this program works.