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What is the relationship bewteen VEGPARM.TBL and wind speed calculation?

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member

I am a WRF new comer, I am confused by computational procedure relate to wind speed/direction and temperature(or other indexes) in wrfout. After reading WRFusersguide, I probably find they have close relationships with TBL(LANDUSE.TBL, SOILPARM.TBL, VEGPARM.TBL) files which can be invoked by specific scripts, right? Specifically, do parameters such ALBEDO, Z0, SHDFAC and LAI in TBL involve in wind and temperature calculation?

Any details will be available!

The parameters in TBL files are used in surface and clay schemes. They definitely affect the simulation of wind, temperature, humidity, fluxes etc. Please refer to the literature for more details.
We have a website that lists some papers related to the physics in WRF. Please see

Appreciate for your reply, and according your reply, a former question involved in new greenfrac binary can be settled by using modified

Thank you once again!
