I found many research papers state the snow cover fraction, but I could not find it in nc files (geo.nc,metgrid.nc,wrfinput,wrfout). Where can I find this variable.
It is an important factor which is used to calculate the actual snow albedo while snowing. I find landusef and greenfac in nc files, dose that mean snow cover fraction can be calculated through static geographic data? If true, how can I incorporate or update snow relatived static geographic data?
In addition, can snow cover be updated in geog folder? If true, how can I deal with Vtable? Noah MP may be relative to snow cover, should I use this scheme?
23 Oct, 2019
I found many research papers state the snow cover fraction, but I could not find it in nc files (geo.nc,metgrid.nc,wrfinput,wrfout). Where can I find this variable.
It is an important factor which is used to calculate the actual snow albedo while snowing. I find landusef and greenfac in nc files, dose that mean snow cover fraction can be calculated through static geographic data? If true, how can I incorporate or update snow relatived static geographic data?
In addition, can snow cover be updated in geog folder? If true, how can I deal with Vtable? Noah MP may be relative to snow cover, should I use this scheme?
23 Oct, 2019