I'm currently running a case study about a strong wind event in Antarctica. I would like to know, in other's opinion, what variable that is needed for analysis?
For your information, I'm trying a hourly 1km resolution run. The file size for 1 time step for the smallest domain is around 2.7GB. While I currently have unlimited storage in the scratch directory of the cluster I'm using, I would not have enough space for personal storage.
I plan to use wrf-python, and selecting only variable that is needed for an analysis of a strong wind event. I will keep the wrfbdy and wrfinput files though.
I'm currently running a case study about a strong wind event in Antarctica. I would like to know, in other's opinion, what variable that is needed for analysis?
For your information, I'm trying a hourly 1km resolution run. The file size for 1 time step for the smallest domain is around 2.7GB. While I currently have unlimited storage in the scratch directory of the cluster I'm using, I would not have enough space for personal storage.
I plan to use wrf-python, and selecting only variable that is needed for an analysis of a strong wind event. I will keep the wrfbdy and wrfinput files though.