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Will I get the same wrf.exe when compiling different idealized or real cases?

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New member

I am wondering if I would get the same wrf.exe when compiling different idealized or real cases (starting with em, e.g. em_real, em_scm_xy and em_les). I am just curious about whether the difference betwteen these cases are just in their namelist.input and input files? If so, I might be more clear about their differences because I can compare them in the namelist, and could save some time compiling wrf.exe when turing to different cases:D

Thanks very much.

The wrf.exe executables are the same for all cases; however, the difference is in the initialization executables. For e.g., real.exe processes differently than ideal.exe, and ideal.exe is different for each idealized case, so it's still necessary to compile for each different type of case. I would recommend just compiling each one in a different directory - it's not necessary to remove each build.