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WPS metgrid: mandatory field TT was not found


New member
I succesfully ungribbed my IFS grib2 files that I downloaded from TIGGE ECMWF. However, when I tried to run metgrid the following error appeared:

Processing domain 1 of 2
Processing 2018-03-01_00
Processing 2018-03-01_06
ERROR: The mandatory field TT was not found in any input data.
Abort(0) on node 0 (rank 0 in comm 0): application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 0) - process 0

It seems like the first (initial time) is succesfully precessed but the second step not.
I know for sure that i downloaded the temperature variable for both my surface and pressure files for each time period + step, so I don't know why it's not able to find it. The VTable I used is attached. Do you know what is wrong?


  • Vtable_ECMWF_grib2.txt.txt
    2 KB · Views: 2
Can you attach one each of your surface files and pressure files, along with your namelist.wps file? If those data files are too large to attach, take a look at the home page of this forum for instructions on sharing large files. Thanks!
Can you attach one each of your surface files and pressure files, along with your namelist.wps file? If those data files are too large to attach, take a look at the home page of this forum for instructions on sharing large files. Thanks!
Yes ofcourse! I uploaded the files at nextcloud under the names: zip_WRF_sophieverheugd and zip_namelist_sophieverheugd
Thanks for sharing those. I used the util/g2print.exe program to check what was in the files you shared. The "pl_tigge_2018-03-02_18.grib" file, which should have the 3d data for all mandatory fields only seems to have a HGT variable, which is why you are getting the error. You'll need to make sure you have all the fields necessary to run ungrib.

 ungrib - grib edition num           2
 reading from grib file =

 rec Prod Cat Param  Lvl    Lvl      Lvl     Prod    Name            Time          Fcst
 num Disc     num    code   one      two     Templ                                 hour
   1   0    3   5     100    5000       0       1     HGT      2018-03-02_00:00:00   18  PDT4.1
   2   0    3   5     100   20000       0       1     HGT      2018-03-02_00:00:00   18  PDT4.1
   3   0    3   5     100   25000       0       1     HGT      2018-03-02_00:00:00   18  PDT4.1
   4   0    3   5     100   30000       0       1     HGT      2018-03-02_00:00:00   18  PDT4.1
   5   0    3   5     100   50000       0       1     HGT      2018-03-02_00:00:00   18  PDT4.1
   6   0    3   5     100   70000       0       1     HGT      2018-03-02_00:00:00   18  PDT4.1
   7   0    3   5     100   85000       0       1     HGT      2018-03-02_00:00:00   18  PDT4.1
   8   0    3   5     100   92500       0       1     HGT      2018-03-02_00:00:00   18  PDT4.1
   9   0    3   5     100  100000       0       1     HGT      2018-03-02_00:00:00   18  PDT4.1

   Successful completion of g2print