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WPS not making geogrid & metgrid for Hurricane-WRF (HWRF)


Deleted member 3607

Good morning everyone,

My friend and I are trying to create a bash script that automates the installation of HWRF with very little user input.

The script so far can install WRF-NMM and only the ungrib.exe in WPS.

The script utilizes the following libraries:

sudo apt -y install gcc gfortran g++ libtool automake autoconf make m4 default-jre default-jdk csh ksh git python3 python3-dev python2 python2-dev mlocate curl cmake perl pgpgpg doxygen curl

zlib 1.2.12
libpng 1.6.37
jasper 1.900.1
hdf5 1.12.2
lapack 3.10.1
pnetcdf 1.12.3
netcdf-c 4.8.1
netcdf-fortran 4.5.4
WRF 4.3.3
WPS 4.3.1

Note there is some uncertainly about the compatibility with these versions of the libraries.

I am not certain if the dependent libraries are the issue or if it is something to do with WPS.

Attached are the wps.configure & compile log output with the errors we are getting.

If anyone has any recommendations please let me know.

The environment variables are set with:
export HOME=`cd;pwd`
export DIR=$HOME/HWRF/Libs

export CC=icc
export CXX=icpc
export FC=ifort
export F77=ifort
export F90=ifort
export MPIFC=mpiifort
export MPIF77=mpiifort
export MPIF90=mpiifort
export MPICC=mpiicc
export MPICXX=mpiicpc
export LIBPNG=$DIR/grib2

export ZLIB=$DIR/grib2

export JASPERLIB=$DIR/grib2/lib
export JASPERINC=$DIR/grib2/include
export HDF5=$DIR/grib2

export PNETCDF=$DIR/grib2


export HWRF=1
export WRF_NMM_CORE=1
export WRF_NMM_NEST=1
export JASPERLIB=$DIR/grib2/lib
export JASPERINC=$DIR/grib2/include
export NETCDF_classic=1


  • compile_wps.log
    356.1 KB · Views: 1
  • configure.wps.txt
    3.3 KB · Views: 1
  • wrf.nmm.log
    893.5 KB · Views: 0
  • configure.wrf.txt
    23.4 KB · Views: 0
  • Screenshot from 2022-07-11 11-19-13.png
    Screenshot from 2022-07-11 11-19-13.png
    128.9 KB · Views: 0
############################ WRF 4.3.3  #################################
## WRF v4.3.3
## NMM core version 3.2
## Downloaded from git tagged release
# ifort/icc
# option 15, distributed memory
# large file support enable with WRFiO_NCD_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT=1
cd $HOME/HWRF/Downloads
wget -c -O WRF-4.3.3.tar.gz
tar -xvzf WRF-4.3.3.tar.gz -C $HOME/HWRF/WRF

./clean -a

export HWRF=1
export WRF_NMM_CORE=1
export WRF_NMM_NEST=1
export JASPERLIB=$DIR/grib2/lib
export JASPERINC=$DIR/grib2/include
export NETCDF_classic=1

./configure # option 15

sed -i '170s|mpif90 -f90=$(SFC)|mpiifort|g' $HOME/HWRF/WRF/WRF-4.3.3/configure.wrf
sed -i '171s|mpicc -cc=$(SCC)|mpiicc|g' $HOME/HWRF/WRF/WRF-4.3.3/configure.wrf

./compile -j $CPU_HALF_EVEN nmm_real |& tee wrf.nmm.log

#export WRF_DIR=$HOME/HWRF/WRF/WRF-4.3.3

read -t 2 -p "Finished installing WRF. I am going to wait for 2 seconds only ..."

## WPS v4.3.1
## Downloaded from git tagged releases
#Option 19 for gfortran and distributed memory
export CC=icc
export CXX=icpc
export FC=ifort
export F77=ifort
export F90=ifort
export MPIFC=mpiifort
export MPIF77=mpiifort
export MPIF90=mpiifort
export MPICC=mpiicc
export MPICXX=mpiicpc

cd $HOME/HWRF/Downloads
wget -c -O WPS-4.3.1.tar.gz
tar -xvzf WPS-4.3.1.tar.gz -C $HOME/HWRF/WRF


./clean -a
./configure -D #Option 19 for inteland distributed memory

sed -i '65s|mpif90|mpiifort|g' $HOME/HWRF/WRF/WPS-4.3.1/configure.wps
sed -i '66s|mpicc|mpiicc|g' $HOME/HWRF/WRF/WPS-4.3.1/configure.wps

./compile |& tee compile_wps.log
So there appears to be some library and compiler issues that I was able to resolve.

First the Intel HPC compilers have a prerequisite of installing the Intel Base Kit before the HPC Intel Compilers can be installed.

This can be done via the linux terminal using the command:
sudo apt -y install gcc gfortran g++ libtool automake autoconf make m4 default-jre default-jdk csh ksh git python3 python3-dev python2 python2-dev mlocate curl cmake perl pgpgpg doxygen curl intel-basekit intel-hpckit

It is important to note that all the other apt commands listed are required for intel-basekit to be installed. Then intel-hpckit can be installed after basekit.

For WPS, certain legacy libraries are needed for WRF 4.3.3 and WPS 4.3.1 to install WRF-NMM.

These libraries are:

Zlib 1.2.7
NETCDF 4.1.3
libpng 1.2.50
jasper 1.900.1
pnetcdf 1.12.3

However, newer libraries may exist that will allow additional functioning. I will update if I figure which one those are.