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WPS ungrib error


New member
hello there, i am currently working on WRF wherein i got the data NCEP GDAS Final Analysis ds083.3 data from 25-01-2021 to 15-02-2021, the geogrid data ran successfully but there was an issue while running the ungrib program, where it shows "Name of the source model =>NCEP GFS Analysis and ...... error.
Can somebody provide me with the solution.
Thank you
I just download FNL file from ds083.3 for the period 25-01-2021 to 26-01-2021 and ungrib the data. All work fine.
I use Vtable.GFS and WPSV4.5

Can you try again?
i am currently using WPSV4 and it worked fine with the same dataset at 1 degree. But i have to use it for 0.25 degree; so, is the error connected with the WPS version?
Which Vtable did you use to ungrib the data?
Vtable.GFS already present in the NCAR (but this didn't worked)
i also used the attached Vtable_GFSPARA but this also didn't worked.
also i am currently using WPSV4 and working with 0.25 degree data

Name of source model =>NCEP GFS Analysis
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred

Image PC Routine Line Source
ungrib.exe 00000000004B0B9D Unknown Unknown Unknown
libpthread-2.17.s 00007F5843CC65F0 Unknown Unknown Unknown
ungrib.exe 0000000000427C21 Unknown Unknown Unknown
ungrib.exe 000000000041590C Unknown Unknown Unknown
ungrib.exe 000000000040C78D Unknown Unknown Unknown
ungrib.exe 000000000040565E Unknown Unknown Unknown 00007F584390B505 __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
ungrib.exe 0000000000405569 Unknown Unknown Unknown


  • Vtable_GFSPARA (1).txt
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I just download FNL file from ds083.3 for the period 25-01-2021 to 26-01-2021 and ungrib the data. All work fine.
I use Vtable.GFS and WPSV4.5

Can you try again?
i successfully solved the error after so many headaches.
before running " ./ungrib.exe " i gave the command " ulimit -s 262140 " and then did ungribbing, and it ran successfully.
also my Vtable is still the same i.e; Vtable.GFS

Thank you
Ming Chen
Thanks for the update. Would you please clarify why you need to issue the command "ulimit -s 262140 "?
thank you for your reply,
In order to look for the error solution, i searched every possible way. I checked the namelist, Vtables and all sort of steps but nothing was helping so i searched for the "error 174 segmentation fault" and landed up with the the "ulimit -s 262140" provided in the Common errors — WRF-GC 2.0 documentation , and this solved the issue , but i am wary that this won't make any impending problem in the future?
also may be there was memory issue with the hpc...