I run WRF using ERA5 in 1-way nested domain by invoking the ndown.exe program. The real program for 2 domains, wrf.exe for d01 domain and ndown.exe for the two domains run successfully. Then after renamed the wrfbdy_d02 to wrfbdy_d01, wrfinput_d02 to wrfinput_d01, and wrffdda_d02 to wrffdda_d01.
When running wrf.exe with sf_lake_physics ON, the model remains pending as seen in the rsl.error.0000 attached.
But when switching OFF the sf_lake_physics the model runs. Why is this?.
Attched are the namelists I use. For the nest domain look namelist.d02.input
When running wrf.exe with sf_lake_physics ON, the model remains pending as seen in the rsl.error.0000 attached.
But when switching OFF the sf_lake_physics the model runs. Why is this?.
Attched are the namelists I use. For the nest domain look namelist.d02.input