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WRF 4.1.3 - Process immediately hangs with no output

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hello WRF forums,

I have been trying to initialize WRF with the GEFS reforecast set and I have done so without any issues. These data run through both the WPS and real.exe processes without issue, however, I have now run across an issue where my instance of WRF starts but immediately hangs. Unfortunately the only thing that happens when the WRF process starts is the rsl.out/rsl.error files are created and then the process locks up and nothing else happens. One thing I have noticed is that a few of the rsl files retain the real.exe output, while the remaining ones are empty.

I've attached the namelist in the event perhaps I have something listed incorrectly here. If additional information / files are needed, please let me know and I can provide them.



  • namelist.input
    6.1 KB · Views: 19
Your namelist.input looks fine. Since this is a big case with grid number of 1304 x 1040, I am suspicious that the problem might be caused by insufficient memory. Can you try to run this case with more processors, which will give you larger memory?
Please keep me updated about the results. Thanks.
I upped the process from 10 nodes / 12 ppn to 16 nodes / 12 ppn and the job appears to run now. I'll update this post with information when the job finishes.