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WRF 4.2 Installation: Several errors (RESOLVED)

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member

I am trying to compile WRF version 4.2 on our HPC linux cluster and I am getting lot of errors. I have attached configure.wrf file and log.compile file with this email. Can you please have a look and provide your inputs? Please let me know, if you would like me to provide any specific details.



  • log.compile
    618.1 KB · Views: 42
  • configure.wrf
    20.3 KB · Views: 45
Hi Ravi,
Did you make any modifications to the V4.2 WRF code, or are you using "out-of-the-box" code to compile this?
Hi kwerner:

Thank you for your quick reply. I did not make any modifications to the code and I am trying to install as I downloaded it. I followed the steps given at the following link.
Our HPC system passed all the tests suggested at this link.

Our HPC administrator, who is supposed to help me with this installation is out of office with Covid symptoms (hope his test comes negative) and hence any directions to help with the installation will be greatly appreciated.

We just released version 4.3 of the WRF code yesterday. Just in case there are any fixes that may get past your issue, can you try grabbing that code and compiling it, instead? You can obtain it here.

In addition, will you compile the code with only a single processor? You can do this by issuing the following before compiling:
export J="-j 1"

It's likely this will still fail. If so, please send me the new configure.wrf file and log.compile files. Thanks!
Hi kwerner:

Thank you for your quick review and inputs.

Fortunately, no issues popped up and installation happened perfectly well when I cloned the software directly onto my HPC node. Last week, I had cloned the software onto my Windows desktop, zipped it and transferred it to our Linux HPC. Zipping and transferring from Windows to Linux seems to have corrupted the code and that caused issues during installation.

Thanks again for your review and suggestions.
